It's not either / or
Hi Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment. Here are today's three contentment-related things for you to read | do | pray READ THIS Sometimes the thing that can wrestle away our contentment is our worry. It's the disappointment, dissolution, our heartache. The pain of betrayal, the hurt of someone else's anger, or just being present in another's suffering snatches away our contentment. But it doesn't have to. It's easy to believe we can...
8 months ago • 2 min readContentment in Exile
Hi Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment. Here are today's three contentment-related things for you to read | do | pray READ THIS Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the theme of exile. People living away from their true 'home.' This weekend I'm preaching on Daniel 6, and really the whole book of Daniel is about some followers of God who were taken into exile but still were faithful. It seems there are two common responses to being...
9 months ago • 2 min readIs what you're consuming making you discontent?
Hi Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment. Here are today's three contentment-related things for you to read | do | pray READ THIS We all know what we consume has a massive impact on our health. What we eat is likely the single greatest factor affecting our physical health. In the same way, the media we consume plays a significant role in our emotional health. For many of us, the way the consumption of processed sugar is the kryptonite...
9 months ago • 2 min readDid you WANT to be a farmer?! - Discontentment of missing your call.
Did you want to be a farmer?! Hi Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards a life of deep, true Biblical contentment. We're continuing our series on sources of discontentment, today looking at the discontentment that comes from feeling like you missed your calling in life. READ THIS Imagine this situation, which plays out every day on the hills around us. A young child gathers firewood or fetches water. Getting older they'll graze the family's three goats if they're a...
10 months ago • 3 min readWhere are you God? 1-Discontentment is forgetting God is near
Where are you God? Hey Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment We're currently revisiting some causes of discontentment, so if you've been reading this newsletter for several years some of these might sound familiar. READ THIS Yesterday I sat down to watch the sun rise over the valley in front of our house. Due to this being almost the shortest day of the year here 2°south of the equator, the sun came up just after 06.00 instead of just...
10 months ago • 1 min readWhy Can't I Stop failing - - Discontentment is Feeling you need to measure up
Hey Reader, Welcome to Living Contentment, your weekly nudge towards a life of Biblical contentment. We're currently revisiting some causes of discontentment, so if you've been reading this newsletter for several years, some of these may sound familiar. READ THIS There's a good chance every person has had some feeling of God / the gods / the universe / the force is not happy with them. A sense that you're not trying hard enough, not accomplishing enough, not obeying well enough, not making...
11 months ago • 2 min readYou're a failure -
Hey Reader, Welcome to your weekly dose of Biblical contentment. Here are your three contentment-related thoughts for today. Something for you to : read | do | pray READ THIS I can still remember the day, the afternoon, the moment even, very vividly. We were living in France, where I was completing my Ph.D. One of the things I realized very early (like day one of each class), was I was behind essentially all my classmates on the actual subject matter of our courses. A business Ph.D. is...
11 months ago • 3 min readI'm just asking for what is fair... Discontentment is Entitlement {Pt II}
Hey Reader, Welcome back to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards real, deep contentment through something contentment-related to read, do, and pray. We're currently revisiting some causes of discontentment. If you have been reading this newsletter for several years - you'll probably remember some of these. READ THIS For those of us raised with a Western cultural mindset, ‘justice’ is one of the most important values we hold. Fairness, equity, getting what we earn, and what we...
11 months ago • 3 min readI Deserve this..... : Discontentment is Entitlement
Hey Reader, Welcome back to Living Contentment - as always the intent is to give you a nudge towards real, deep contentment with something contentment-related to read, to do, and to pray. We're currently revisiting some causes of discontentment. If you have been reading this newsletter for several years - you'll probably remember some of these. READ THIS Our family has lived in several places with a significant ex-pat population. Groups of people living and working not in their 'home...
11 months ago • 2 min readSubmitting and Admitting - Discontentment is Pride {pt. II}
Submitting (to God) and Admitting (you may be wrong) Hey Reader, Welcome back to Living Contentment - your weekly nudge towards real, deep contentment with something contentment-related to read, to do, and to pray. We're currently revisiting causes of discontentment. If you have been reading this newsletter for several years - you'll probably remember some of these. READ THIS Someone full of pride is impressed with who they are, what they have accomplished - or what they could accomplish if...
11 months ago • 3 min read