Where are you God? Never Enough #21-Discontentment is forgetting God is near

SO APPARANTLY - I Forgot what day it was today - so here's your Thursday update...now on a Friday!

Hey Reader,

Welcome to your weekly dose of Biblical contentment.

Here are your three contentment-related thoughts for today.

Something for you to : read | do | pray


Yesterday I sat down to watch the sun rise over the valley in front of our house. Due to this being almost the shortest day of the year here 2°south of the equator - the sun came up just after 06.00 instead of just before 06.00. I had my bible out, and I was praying "God be present with me..."

Then I realised.

He is.

If there's ever someone who's absent (mentally, emotionally etc) from these times...it's me.

God is here. He's not distracted. He doesn't' think of his to-do list. He doesn't get agitated by the annoying hadada birds and their ridiculous call starting at 05.20 (actually...i'm not so sure on that)

Sometimes I think we (aka "I") can become discontented because we think we're alone. Maybe it's not that drastic or extreme, we don't think God is gone, or absent...but we forget he's here.

But he is.

One thing that can get to us is the feeling that God has forgotten about us, or doesn't' care enough about us, or is not really with us.

If one party is absent from our times together with God - it's not him.

The very least we can do, is appreciate that.


Take time to sit and appreciate this fact.

Accept this reality.

Dwell in this Truth.

God is here. With you.


Wherever you are.

And He always is.

Just sit in that for a while.


you are here.
Always with me,
Never to leave or forsake me.
Help me to remember that.
Guide me to also be present with you.

​Talk to you next Thursday!


{one more thing} I'm not here to judge


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